Bookseller Catalogs

Catalogue Three: An American Miscellany

By Walkabout Books

Catalogue Three: An American Miscellany A selection of 88 items printed in or about the United States between 1787 and 1925. Included are our usual assortment of items relating to travel and places, but also trade catalogues, broadsides, and works on health and medicine (popular and academic), social reform (prisons, temperance, vice), native Americans, women, religion, technology, architecture, abolition, philosophy, and other topics.

How to request a print version: Send an email to or call 949-218-4966

Catalogue 19: Latin Americana

By Kaaterskill Books

Catalogue 19: Latin Americana

Works date from the first decade of the 18th century to the last decade of the 20th, covering every geographic region and nearly every country and including uncommon broadsides, runs of 19th c. periodicals, signed colonial documents, maps, books, and pamphlets with topics ranging from Artigas and Bolivar to Indigenous Peoples, Law, Language, and Livres d’Artiste, to Photography, Spanish, Portuguese, and English Exploration, The Cold War, Columbus, Slavery, and Bibliography.

How to request a print version: For a print version contact us at or call our office 518-589-0555

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